An Agentic Profile is a JSON file at a well known network location that becomes a Universal Resource Identifier (URI) for a person, business, or other entity. For example, the URI https://iamagentic.ai/mike is a universal identifier that can be used to discover AI agents that represent Mike.
The Agentic Profile provides a means for agent-to-agent authentication using strong public key cryptography. Each Agentic Profile publishes the current public key(s) for a person, and may also publish the public keys for specific agents of that person.
When the person (or an agent (A) of that person) attempts to communicate with another agent/service (B), the other agent (B) may provide a challenge and ask for the challenge to be signed by A. If the challenge signature is verified by B, then B can be assured it is communicating with A.
The Agentic Profile supports a protocol that is:
- Open source
- Light weight (easy to implement)
- Very secure using strong public key cryptography (ed25519 by default)
- Decentralized, anyone can publish an Agentic Profile at any HTTPS endpoint
- Fine grained/multi-tenant, allowing a single service to handle many users/agents/tenants
- Extensible, supporting any number of agents for a single profile, and allowing the agents to communicate in any protocol they agree on