Why Every Business and Social Event Needs a Matchmaker

I've been attending several business events a week, and as our matchmaking service continues to quickly evolve, it has become painfully obvious how hard it is to find the best people to talk with at events.
Meeting new people at business events today, is like trying to date before Match.com
There are hundreds of companies creating matchmaking software. But why are so few people using it? I believe it boils down to a bad user experience, which is the combination of both the data (e.g. scraped from LinkedIn or filled out in a form) and the way the search results are presented.
In theory, your LinkedIn data should be a great source of data for matching. But LinkedIn is mostly about your past (job experiences) and your present job. Shining a dating light on the past and present, would be like listing all your exes and failed relationships, and then putting a big "I'm looking for someone new" sign where your current partner could see it.
Matchmaking is really about the future, and where you want to go. And it's empowering to be able to let go of the past, and dream about your new future. People also don't want to be locked into only one possible future - they are exploring options and every new event, and possibly every new person they meet, should be an opportunity to try a different version of your future with.