Event Organizer Quick Start: What is a Matchmaker and What is the Attendee Experience

This quick start is for event organizers who are considering using a Matchwise matchmaker at their events.

Event Organizer Quick Start:  What is a Matchmaker and What is the Attendee Experience

This quick start is for event organizers who are considering using a Matchwise matchmaker at their events.

What is a Matchwise matchmaker?

A matchmaker is an AI powered chatbot which:

  • Asks event attendees a set of deep interactive questions (as determined by you, the event organizer)
  • Uses more AI to match people up based on those deep conversations
  • Answers questions about paired people such as what their synergies are, and what are good strategies to do business with them
  • Helps attendees connect with "likes", messages, and social links to LinkedIn, Instagram, etc.

What is the attendee experience?

The event organizer puts a link in the event description similar to:

If you would like to be introduced to other event attendees, please spend a few minutes to chat with our matchmaker before the event: https://matchwise.ai/chat?iidp=225

Here's what happens when the attendee clicks the above link:

  1. They are taken to a web page of the matchmaker that was made for you (the event organizer)
  2. The matchmaker webpage has your event name, a short description of the event, and lets the user know about the three steps (quick questions, deep chat, and to see matches)
  3. The first matchmaker webpage has any quick form questions you want the user to answer. You can choose to have no questions if you like.
  4. After clicking the next button, the user starts chatting with the matchmaker to answer any questions you (the organizer) have for them. The AI can be asked to accept any answer so the conversation is very quick, or the AI can be told to dig deep and get really good answers which can take longer. It's up to you, the organizer, how deep the AI should pursue the questions.
  5. We suggest only asking 1 to 3 questions, and the whole process should take 3-5 minutes.
  6. After answering the questions, the user is shown a nicely created summary of the conversation, and a list of other people that match with the user.
  7. The user can:
    1. Review other people's summaries
    2. Ask AI to explain the synergies between the user and the match
    3. Ask AI to create any strategies, such as opening lines to meet the person, or ways to suggest working together
    4. "Like" any people they match with, and send them a one-line message to pique their interest
    5. Follow the matched persons social links to learn more about them

Key Take-Aways

  • Each event organizer can create their own matchmaker that asks any questions they want
  • Attendees don't need to install any apps - its simply a link to a webpage
  • The chat questions can be as simple or complicated as the organizer wants (we recommend 1-2 questions that take no longer than 5 minutes)
  • After answering the questions, attendees can see the people they matched with, their AI generated summaries, and use AI to see synergies and develop strategies
  • Attendees can "like" their matches, and send a quick one-liner message to let them know what they are interested in
  • Attendees can see their matches LinkedIn profile, Instagram profile, etc.

Ready to Get Started?

Please send an email to partners@matchwise.ai to request a demo matchmaker that you can try, and even use at your own events!