Choosing the Best Matchmaker Questions

Matchwise gives event organizers a fresh new way to get to know their attendees. In an ideal world, the organizer could spend five minutes talking to every attendee before the event. But for an event over 20 people, that's simply not practical.

Choosing the Best Matchmaker Questions
What would you ask if you had a few minutes to talk with every attendee?

Matchwise gives event organizers a fresh new way to get to know their attendees. In an ideal world, the organizer could spend five minutes talking to every attendee before an event. But for events with more than 20 people, that's simply not practical.

What would you ask if you had a few minutes to talk with every attendee?

Until recently, traditional web forms with checkboxes, drop-down lists, and text fields were the only options for getting to know attendees. AI has changed everything, and allows us to create digital assistants - matchmakers - that can ask deep questions and ensure the attendees provide meaningful answers.

Comparing Web Forms to Deep Chat

What's wrong with web forms?

Consider a web form with a field that asks an attendee for an elevator pitch. A form allows a person to type in pretty much anything and has virtually no quality control.

Conversational AI powered matchmakers can coach attendees toward well thought out answers, and the matchmaker can know when an answer is underwhelming and the person needs to put more thought into it.

Why Bother the Attendees with Questions? Why Not Just Let Them Randomly Mingle?

We live in an area with amazing people, and most people at events are pretty interesting. It's true many people who go to events consider it a success if they had engaging conversations. But is that all the event has to offer?

Events bring together incredible people - across the room is your next investor, advisor, or customer. It would be very unfortunate if the random conversation you walked in to kept you from meeting that key person.

A matchmaker gets to know you, and everyone else at the event, and cares to help you find that key person. Imagine if at every event, you met someone amazing - that's the standard we should hold ourselves and the events we attend to.

Some Quick Guidelines for Questions

  • Ask the attendees to answer questions before the event, and not as they are walking in and rushed
  • There should be 1-3 questions and take less than five minutes to answer
  • Simple questions (e.g. what city do you live in, what stage is your company) can be handled by a traditional form, so use the 1-3 deep questions to really dive into something interesting

What are Good Questions to Ask Attendees?

Matchmakers can be created for any kind of event and any kind of audience. Matchwise is currently focused on business events that are also social, so the following examples will have that use case. If you have another use case, please send us an email and we'd be happy to work with you on it.

Quick Note: Yes, we do support old-fashioned forms (our "quick questions" section). Simple questions with limited answers are much better and faster to answer using a web form.

Matchwise and early adopters have already created dozens of matchmakers, and listed below is a summary of the questions they have used:

  • General "get to know you" questions
    • Tell us about yourself... what is your background? What are your passions and interests? What is your mission?
  • Business focused
    • What is your elevator pitch?
    • Tell us about one of your exceptional achievements?
    • What can you contribute to help this community?
    • What do you hope to get from this event?
    • What makes you a good startup founder?
  • Conscious business and investor questions (inspired by the Light Dao community)
    • What are your activities or projects in social impact, and/or conscious business?
    • Can you tell me some of your key qualities (of a benevolent entrepreneur) that make you great at helping others?"

Getting Started is Easy... Just Let Us Know Which Questions Feel Right

Creating a Matchwise matchmaker involves teaching AI how to talk with attendees, and the good news is you don't have to do any of that work. Just send us an email with some questions you'd like to ask your event attendees and we will create a demo matchmaker for you - which is available as a simple web link. Give it a try yourself, then ask some friends to try it too. If you like it, we can make any adjustments, and then you are free to use the matchmaker at one of your events.